Aviation Sector Contribution In Global Green House Effect Air Pollution Caused By Aircrafts

Aviation Sector Contribution In Global Green House Effect Air Pollution Caused By Aircrafts

Airplane And Pollution: If we talk about air pollution, then some will blame the smoke coming out of vehicles and other things, some for the gases coming out of AC and fridge and some for the cutting of trees. However, all these reasons are also correct. Along with land transport, air traffic is also responsible for increasing air pollution. Hardly would you have ever thought that even airplanes cause pollution. But, it happens.

Plane contours form a layer

During the flight, the contrails formed when the fuel of the plane burns, contains kerosene. Due to the low temperature at an altitude of about 12 km, they remain in the form of ice crystals in the air for hours. Like greenhouse gases, these controls also trap heat in the atmosphere. According to some research, these contrails are 1.7 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide. It is clear from this that air traffic has a bad effect on the climate.

share in greenhouse gas emissions

The way the rest of the vehicles cause air pollution and the green house effect increases. Similarly, air traffic also increases green house gases. In a BBC report of the year 2020, it was told that before the Corona epidemic, the aviation sector accounted for 6 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the world. However, when many flights were canceled during the Corona period, there was a decrease in it. But, now when the situation is becoming normal, it is increasing again. The European Parliament has also announced that from 2025, passengers will be informed about the carbon footprint of their flights by putting environmental labels on air travel.

What is the remedy?

Now the question is how can the contrails coming out of the plane be prevented from forming? According to reports, for this the plane will have to be flown down about 1000 meters. Actually, the temperature is relatively low at this height. Also, flights can go from such routes, where the weather does not help in making contrails. Help can be taken from satellite to find information about such routes. With this, things responsible for global warming can be reduced by 30 to 80 percent. In addition, biokerosene is also an option.

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